Login (hotmail) not possible?


Currently I have a problem and can't log in on my PC via the homepage of Outlook, so it does not come into the mailbox mailbox. Instead, I will be redirected back to the login menu. Did not set anything, no virus on the PC or the like, tried various browsers and everything possible is possible, does not work.

About the smartphone via APP and the browser on the smartphone it works.

At first it looks like it's from the PC, but it's nothing new on the PC, or anything like that.

I would be very grateful if you would help me, maybe some of you use Outlook and can try to log in via laptop, pc etc via the page and report to know if it really is mine or if the mistake from Microsoft.


Try the link https://login.live.com/login.srf?wa=wsignin1.0&rpsnv=12&ct=1410691345&rver=6.4.6456.0&wp=MBI_SSL_SHARED&wreply=https:%2F%2Fmail.live.com%2Fdefault.aspx%3Frru%3Dinbox&lc=1031&id=64855&mkt=de-DE&cbcxt=mai


That's the login link, the same one I'm trying to log in on is not working.


It works for me. Certainly only a short break, due to the region. Can also be due to your internet provider. But I also had a disturbance. But that was fixed the next day.