Powerstation for the laptop. What to look out for


I'm currently looking for a mobile power bank / power station for my laptop (currently taking this into consideration: https://www.amazon.de/...07KPH2W22/ because I would like to use it in the fresh air for a long time and the performance of my battery is deteriorating more and more.

However, I'm only amateurs with the properties, such as voltage and power, around the topic of electricity.

What do I have to consider regarding the current characteristics of my laptop, the power supply and the power bank to ensure a safe, problem-free power supply? Furthermore, I want to make sure that the power supply is good enough to compensate for the use of the laptop, so that I can theoretically consume the entire charge of the power bank without having to take a break from using the laptop.


It depends on how much your laptop draws but if I read it correctly and your PC 50 W draws you will get around with the part about 2 - 2.5 hours.