Water in laptop what to do?


I need quick help, please!

I just spilled my water on the left side of my laptop and it ran in quite a bit. I then tried to tip it so the water would come out again, but it did, but I'm afraid that there might still be something inside. What should I do? It is now a little difficult to find a repairman, especially in the Corona time! I need to answer really quickly because otherwise it might be too late!


Turn it off, try to let it dry. You have no other option.

Except of course open it up and take a look.


Switch off, pull out the mains plug, remove the battery

unscrew and let it dry, remove the keyboard and dry it separately


Yes, put them in a lot of rice.

Rice always draws moisture.

I also saved 2 cell phones.

But please at least 24 hours and switch the device on (until the time is up) and remove the battery.


Position it so that the water that has run in has the opportunity to run out again.

If you can open it (unscrew the back wall) it is best. Or simply put it on the keyboard. If you have a hair dryer then blow dry with warm air (not hot air). Blow at a distance when using hot air, if possible remove the battery. Do not switch it on again for at least one day.

It would be possible to place it on a warm surface (max. Approx. 25 ° C). I mean accelerate evaporation.


Definitely not in rice!

Have you ever put a wet cell phone or laptop in rice and then opened it?

Uhh. All the starch from the rice sticks to the cell phone.
Stop recommending such tips. Anyone who recommends this simply has no idea…

Which you should rather do.

From Lassen. Or do. It is best to take out the battery if that works with yours.

Then put in a warm place. E.g. Next to a heater.

If you can't take the battery out, make sure it's not too close to the heater. Otherwise something is bad for the battery.


No. No rice.


Okay yes you can't screw anything on the back. Can you also use a 'warming pad' that is made of fabric or just like the beginning?


What do you mean by warmth Päd.

I would just walk over it regularly for 10-15 minutes, with a hairdryer or something.

But make sure the laptop doesn't get too hot!

Then just leave it open on your head and wait 24-48 hours.


It's like a fabric and you can warm it up in the micro so that I can put something over it. And okay, but I once heard that the hair dryer shouldn't be that good, but if you say that, I'd rather do it haha


You really have to be careful with the hair dryer.

It shouldn't be warmer than lukewarm water or a little warmer.

That means you have to blow-dry briefly, and always look with your fingers how warm it is.

Then wait. Blow dry again.


Okay D: thanks



"If the smartphone has gotten wet, it should definitely not be processed with the hairdryer. The water can be carried further inside. It is better to fish the mobile phone out of the water as quickly as possible and turn it off immediately."


This also applies to laptops!


"Stop recommending such tips. Anyone who recommends this simply has no idea…" and you recommend a hair dryer -.


No hair dryer!


Blow-drying over it is not a problem. Read my comment.

Another thing I said primarily, put in a warm place…


Not exactly. When a laptop is off, it doesn't matter how far the water gets in…

As long as it then has time to dry and no electricity flows.
Same with the cell phone.

Never when switched on…


The thing is that everyday water builds up small residues that can cause damage over time. That's why you shouldn't distribute the water with a hairdryer… Just switch it off and let it dry


Why distribute water inside if it is safer to let the device dry?