The hard drive of my laptop was broken, the repair with reinstallation of the operating system was now 190 euro.
Such a PC is indeed a necessary work tool for me. Does anyone know how I get back from the Jobcenter refunded?
No! But you can apply for a laptop if it is really necessary. But you pay it off… Every month a few euro from your ALG. Get a loan, so to speak!
Necessary work equipment?
Applications can also be written by hand (I would argue as a clerk at the employment agency and shake off the application for reimbursement).
It's probably like this
if you have to pay for any items, the job center can grant you a loan, which you then deduct at 50 or 100 euro a month
Applications can also be written by hand
sorry but this is rather absurd to look at today… Online applications, email contacts etc.