Laptop does not boot up anymore?

- in Lenovo

Today I got my laptop (Lenovo, Windows 10) again sent to the screen repair. Now I wanted to start it up again, then came first a few updates and then came an error message, something with network boot failed in a blue box, have him down again and started up and now comes constantly, automatic repair is prepared "and then came" Automatic Repair could not repair your PC and it keeps freezing during repair… Do you have any ideas, any shortcuts that could help you achieve something? (unfortunately I have no idea of technology)


You can try to fix this problem using Safe Mode in Windows. The keyboard shortcut is different for each PC, so you have to check it out for yourself.


So keyboard shortcuts do not help directly.

But turn on computer. Finger on F2 in "wait mode"

as soon as a white text appears at the bottom of the still black screen

e.g. For me press F2 or DEL to go in bios.

F2 Press (not stay on it, but again and again) that often does not work the same. So it may be necessary to do it multiple times.

About the safe mode, which is a tremendously stripped down Win, you can uninstall such updates, which can help, because there was also lately what that was definitely mistaken.

Does that mean you choose, then Win should actually start. Then go into the setting for updates, update history, the last should be the problem with it then. Works that you have fixed the problem.

Does not work. Start over