PC / laptop from Jobcenter for Hartz 4 recipient students?


We have online lessons and the supervisor from the youth welfare office said we had the right to have a laptop with a printer and headphones. The laptop should cost up to 350 euro. Does that mean you can get a laptop / tablet / PC / PC individual parts up to 350 euro plus headphones and printer or that everything together can cost that much? The supervisor probably meant a laptop up to 350 euro + printer and headphones. But I can't imagine that this is the case.

And I would also ask if anyone knows which laptops or PCs are good for the price of up to 350 euro and what one might use. There could be more to it than just video conferencing. 😁😅


Take a look for well-preserved used equipment. It's a lot cheaper.

what you probably do. There could be more to it than just video conferencing.

The devices are intended for online lessons, etc., and not that you download something and paddle around on it.


Never buy used PC and Co.


If your supervisor says there's a printer and headphones on top, so will it. If in doubt, ask directly at the JC

As for the laptop in this price range, you won't find a high-end device, but you can already play one or the other game with it


But he doesn't have enough money to buy a good new piece of equipment.


He doesn't need a high-end computer for school either. Office variants are completely sufficient. And even on those he can play alongside bissel


https://hardwarerat.de/...240gb?c=77 that already has a good performance for smaller games like minecraft.

you just have to talk to the job center, calling could be enough to clarify your rights


He doesn't need a high-end computer for school either.

Of course not! But for 350 euro he only gets scrap.


The device is financed by the job center, i.e. By the taxpayer, for school use and not to play Minecraft on it.


So my 250 euro junk which is now 7 years old works wonderfully. Okay, I can't play games like Skyrim on the highest graphics level but otherwise it runs smoothly


7 years ago there were other prices!


No, not the state! Who is the state? Corona brought us that.



2min at Amazon is better than my current one and is on budget. In short, the prices are not that different (apart from the hard drive, which is a bit small)


I would have regulated Corona completely differently, EVERY economist would have regulated it differently! THAT'S NOT HOW TO DO IT! Germany broke, people still dead and Europe under dictatorship. How do you come up with the idea that this is due to a disease from which 0.5% of all sick people die? So, in the end, 0.2% of the population who wouldn't have died on something else anyway? And for that the riot?! Absolute nonsense!


The majority in the world wars did not die from bombs or grenades, but from the economic effects of a war! IT'S ALWAYS THAT WAY!


I would have regulated Corona completely differently,

Possibly, but luckily you have nothing to determine.


It makes no difference whether I play a good laptop for 350 euro that is also able to play simple games or get a bad one that is equally expensive and that is too weak for it.


Thank you very much! It looks really nice, but there's still a lot left on the budget. Dunlch know better for more that are still on budget?


You can see for yourself, just make sure that the hard disk has more than 64GB. With luck you will find something with 1TB. Games like SSD are nice, but you don't necessarily need them


I really don't understand anything about it. But thanks again for the above recommendation. If I can't find anything better, I'll just take it.


Just ask a question where you should recommend laptops up to 350 euro (important operating system should already be on it), that wakes the IT freaks, they are already tinkering something for you.


Nationwide there's 350 euro for computers and printers on request. There's nothing more to discuss.



When education fails because of income
Therefore, children from families with lower incomes are particularly suffering from the current school and daycare lockdown. Not every child in these households has a laptop. Especially not when a family has several school children at home.

Laptop from the job center for these children
Because the federal government has also recognized this problem, subsidies should now finally be given for the necessary technology. The Federal Employment Agency has been instructed to pay for computers, laptops, tablets, printers, headphones and any other accessories.

This applies to children of families who have applied for basic security or who have received top-up. This is to ensure that the students are not left behind and can participate in digital lessons.


What do you mean exactly? So from the brackets


Everything is included according to the BA instruction. https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/datei/weisung-202102001_ba146855.pdf:

The amount of the additional requirement is to be determined in each individual case (if available) on the basis of the school specifications and should as a rule the total amount of 350.00 EUR per student for all required end devices (e.g. Tablet / PC, each with accessories, e.g. Printer, initial procurement of printer cartridges). The purchase price for a printer is to be divided up among all students belonging to the community of needs.

And if the job center bugs: the courts are largely in agreement. Here it was e.g. 500 euro (decision was before the 350 euro instruction): https://landesrecht.thueringen.de/bsth/document/JURE210000884

New is rather difficult because laptops in particular have less performance for the same money, which is because they are more compact.