Acquire and use computer knowledge?


I would like to learn more about computer and its components. It's not that I have no idea at all, but I'd just like to improve it, so I'm able to spot problems and fix them myself, and have a little more idea about the components.

I would also like to do some repairs, for example buy defective computers / laptops and repair them and then sell them (for the personal sense of achievement).

Does something like that reindeer, such as defective computers / laptops to buy and repair them or tinkering with it?

How can I best learn something like that? (Books or just tinkering with computers?)

Looking forward to your answers and advice!


Books AND tinkering. With the help of the books, you can recognize the parts and with the aid of tinkering, you learn how the respective parts are connected to each other.


Both. You always need theory and practice to improve your knowledge. I used to buy parts of a computer in the past and then tried to make them myself. As a result, I have automatically dealt with the theory to see how exactly a computer is actually built.

The idea of buying broken computers and fixing them myself is good in my opinion. I did that for a while. But only fixing alone will not help you in the long run. Therefore, you should also use books or the like to gain more knowledge. Are also enough Internet forums on which you can find good readings and instructions.


Also, for example, do computer magazines bring in this regard?


Books? Seriously.

You can find that better on the internet.


Of course, it does not matter if it's a book, an internet or a magazine. But it depends on whether you want to know something specific, because if your interest, for example, is just totally focused on motherboards, then just have to pay attention to whether such magazines will even be discussed.


I also prefer the internet, but there are some really good books. So why not take a book? Finally, can one read offline in the train or school?