Windows 10 Installing with Secure Boot?


So I know I always had Secure Boot on my old PC. Now I got two new PCs and a laptop in which all Secure Boot is disabled by default. And I was not able to install with activated Secure Boot.

I wanted to install from a USB stick, with 2 PCs he did not even recognize the Sytem hard drive with Secure Boot.

How can I install Windows 10 without CSM and Secure Boot?

If these new PCs according to standards come without already? So of course I need a recognized hard drive to install.


The instalation I would do without.

If it is on you can still do that.

It is more important to get an anti-virus program like Avira Antivir on it very fast.

Instaliere a win directly from a bootable SD. Important is "bootable". Otherwise it will not work.

The bios should be set so that it starts directly from the SD.

After that everything else does not interest anymore. C: and format another partition.

200 GB for C: take.

Then you have the fastest PC in the world.


So I have anyway 512 GB ssd on the m2 ssd which is bound to PCI express, but he is fast thanks anyway. Bootable is the external HDD with Rufus which is also recognized. The problem was, however, if I make Secure Boot after the installation the system disk is no longer recognized with the Clean Windows 10 Neuinstall. How does it work?

Is it about standard now the new PCs come with Csm and Windows 10 😅

Because the Secure Boot is exactly intended for this operating system…

Mysterious as Windows Secure Boot disable remote maintenance I think it all manufacturers already standard 😅


Safe important files on C: I hope you are on D:

There's a contribution from PC World…

There's exactly inside, how to do something like that.

Whether you're doing that from an SSD, you're not interested.


That was only related to the fastest PC in the world 😅

Ok, thanks, I'll see you soon


That was only related to the fastest PC in the world 😅

Unfortunately that does not help me at all…

First, I do not want to clone but reinstall, second, it goes in to the secure boot that does not activate with these two new PCs with no Windows 10 because the system disk with the newly installed windows 10 then no longer recognized


Of course, reinstalling Win is the most time consuming.

That's why I suggested cloning to you.

Secure boat. Boats always sound like bios. Before win is booted. A boot loader.

You only get that away if you reinstall Win from an external drive.

What is not there to understand?

Reinstall via a bootable SD Win.

In doing so, reinstall C: and other drives.

Can that be so difficult?

It costs a day. But it always worked.

What do you always want with your "secure boat?"

No man needs.


Since when is a new installation the most expensive 😂 This is rather the simpler version and in 8 minutes completely done. Which is not the case with cloning.

What do you want with your clones? That should usually always work out is clear to me. But it does not do it with these three new PCs.

It was not the case with old Asus, so it worked.

Clone No one needs


Cloning eliminates the need to audition all drivers.

The other's that, e.g. Office to play on again.

But. I forgot… You're just playing with it. What you forget… I break a PC for professional things. Since it can be stupid, if after work for a month is gone.

Of course you can forget about it as a little student.

You can copy your homework for the school very quickly. Work for 2200 euro just not.

But… Otherwise, all the best.

Learn responsibility. After that we will talk in about 10 years.


You are probably too clever for me 😅 I was able to program with 12 and have also learned EDP but also already. What I took with me at least as opposed to you, where your own folders and all your own stored files. And software to install is really no longer time consuming today. So with my 300 Mbits I have inmaximal 10 min all updates. And Office also installs completely in 5 min on PCI Express SSD in M2 form. I'm sorry that your company uses old trash. Also creative Suite Not for long. All a question of technology and bandwidth. And if you think logically with normal hard drives, you'll surely clone longer 😂 and in a company, I suggest a clean install anyway. Because cloning sometimes brings with it mistakes. Driver too.


Expand hard drive, and format, install DVD.


Ok, thank you, I wanted to try anyway


Secure Boot (if it is this type of "secure") will write-protect to the zero sector of the disk. In the zero sector, the operating system is addressed. Can't put it in there, you can't install it.

Means for you

Switch off the secure boot
Install the operating system
Turn on Secure Boot again

My suggestion: No Antirenprogamm next to Defender.


I advise you off. But your decision. Be glad if the hard drive is in there and wired correctly.


Because you can do something wrong?


If you do not even know what can go wrong, do not do it twice.


What should go wrong there already made 100 times.