Laptop accident beer?


I had an accident the day before yesterday. I skyped with my friends while drinking a beer. I had my window open to air. I came to my window which then poured my beer. Some of the beer landed on my laptop keyboard. I wiped it up within a few seconds. The laptop worked perfectly after that, except that the affected buttons are now a bit stuck together. Now my question:

Can I still work with my laptop without any problems or can I expect consequences later.

PS: have an Honor Magicbook 14


Normally, you can't get to sensitive parts with the laptop keyboard, and if only the keyboard were there, you can replace it yourself on the laptop. But it is a bit cumbersome.


The most important question is, how is the beer doing?

And it was the day before yesterday and nothing has happened until now, nothing should happen anymore.


Since it's not a laptop that catches drinks with a keyboard tray: switch off, remove the battery (hopefully this model works?), Then rinse away the sticky stuff with de-ionized water (ironing water). If it stays and small drops have gotten onto the circuit board, it can eat away at the laptop in the long run and break something. Then rinse away the water with isopropanol so that it dries faster. Only insert the battery again when it has dried for a while!


But very, very little water. Rags must be a little damp, nothing more


Follow matmatmat's instructions. Let it dry absolutely.


So there was only a little beer in the upper right corner and I don't know now whether I should take out the battery and because I'm afraid that I will cause more damage and so the guarantee is gone. Would you still recommend me to wash away the junk? The buttons on the affected areas are a bit stuck, but I haven't noticed anything else so far.

Beer over laptop? Ma Macramething
Who had it better here? di disastrous68