Can't open pictures on laptop (write-protected)?


I have not been able to open any of the pictures on my laptop for a few days. Whenever I click on it, the message "File is write-protected" comes up and in the photo app just a black background appears. Can someone tell me how to get this away?


Double click




Point 1 would be: Right click on "properties" and first deactivate the write protection, if it is set.

Point 2: Open the picture with another program. Gimp, Paint, Photoshop, Irfanview, whatever

Point 3: Right click on the "Edit" file - check whether that works


Hope not, but…

Whenever something extraordinary happens, I advise you to download the ADWCLEANER from "" and let it run through.

Usually it is "potentially unwanted program", or "PuP" for short - in the strict sense not a virus, but a program that only wants to annoy - the mean thing is that viruses can open the door to your PC.

After the run, please run the CCleaner carefully and check what is deleted so that all remains are deleted.


So I can open it in Paint. Editing is also possible, but it also takes me to Paint.

But why doesn't it work with normal photos?


Unfortunately it didn't work.