Wildcamera captures videos in weird colors, what can I do?


About 2 weeks ago I bought a game camera, the Suntek HC801A. This is my first game camera and I have bought you for my garden, of which I know that (especially at night) roam deer and foxes in it and then I wanted to record with the camera just then. Now I have already set this up twice in my garden for about 5 days each. As far as everything works very well, the night vision mode works well, the sensors also. Everything works as promised by the manufacturer. Only there's a problem, namely, that the videos when the camera takes a video during the day, come out in funny colors. For example, the camera takes a green area with trees in the background. If you look at it on the screen of the camera or my laptop afterwards, the green trees and grasses appear completely white. What I find funny is that this is not the case on photos taken by the camera, so this effect only occurs on videos.

Could someone maybe help me?


Presumably she also takes during the day in night mode.


Thanks for the tip, maybe you know how I could turn it off?


Unfortunately, no. I hope there's something in the manual in there.


Ok, thanks anyway.