Which kind of profession is it?


Which kind of profession is it?
Hi everyone I would like to get my qualification soon, because I like to tinker with PCs on laptops etc only I'm looking for the exact job type of it, activities include hardware exchange repair of displays and Windows installation etc soft job type that would be, exactly in soft ones I would have to do an area, take a course, for example, with a special qualification to attend a vocational school, since I unfortunately have a strong learning disability but in practice I'm just great


IT specialist for system integration roughly corresponds to your description.


I do not know now whether there's still a PC (service) technician, but otherwise it would be the IT system electronics technician…


Rather the IT system electronics technician.
The IT specialist for system integration deals with the installation, operation and maintenance of computers, servers and network structures.

It doesn't have much more to do with hardware than to order it and "plug it in" (install).
Displays etc. Repair belongs in the field of electrical engineering, not in system integration.


I thought of that too, but I was at the PC repair service, they meant something, from an information technology assistant, but that can't be at all because I would usually have to program in this area, which is not my case at all


Ok I can do it with a normal course or I have to get a special permit from the country


Hmm. Yes and no

Which kind of profession is it


If you look there, they could indeed be right. The problem for me is that too many professions overlap in IT and in the end you don't really know where you are.

Go to the BIS employment office, maybe they can do something and help you a little


What "courses" are you talking about exactly?
This is a three-year dual education.

For special cases during training, you must contact the IHK.
They are usually very accommodating and do not shy away from deviations from the usual procedure in order to make training possible.

Just call and ask, or ask for advice, they will certainly be able to help you.


The ITA training includes "a little bit of everything, but nothing really" as the saying goes. You will learn something from many areas of IT, but you will not learn much about it.

Electrical engineering (which is essential for hardware repair) is not part of the training. After that, you will no longer be able to take it apart and screw it together as a computer.


The disadvantage I don't want to go into development anyway because I don't remember codes etc well and can only rewrite what script etc is about