Which laptop do you have in the study / profession computer science?


Which laptop do you have in the study / profession computer science?


HP 2530p.

Was cheap and runs 5 hours. At high load… At low load almost 8 hours.


As soon as one programs extensively, an Apple recommends itself, because on which all three operating systems can be installed natively.

Otherwise something robust & powerful from the win world.

So my nephew, who is currently working on his Master of Business Information Systems.


Why such a cheap?

I do not have to worry about damage or theft.

It is sufficient for office and internet.


Mac air 2018?


You obviously did not understand the question.


Jup, most of us computer scientists have an Apple


Nope, one time in the "sour" (:-) Biting the apple and a 15 "Pro. The currently too delusional SSD-surcharges at Apple tumble currently, otherwise works also an external Thunderbolt without a big" bottleneck "syndrome.


It is just important for computer scientists to have native OS.


What do you study?


What's not to understand there? Please clear me up.


Please explain something in more detail. It has been bothering me for quite some time why apple products are so popular among computer scientists. In my opinion, apple products are so contrary to the meaning of computer science, if possible in self-contained systems if one can say so.


Pensioner-Dasin, before media technology Print. And as I said, the statement came from my nephew.


I study mechanical engineering at a technical university, see many computer science students in our cafeteria every day.


As I said: On Apple you can install macOS, Win and Linux. A big advantage.


So then more or less because it is relatively expensive to install macOS on non apple products. Hmm that makes apple not really sympathetic


I do not see this use case in a computer science study. Have never had to install another OS in the study and even if, then a VM would have always been completely sufficient. To spend so much money, I consider unreasonable. Greeting!


As a student I had an iBook G4, then a MacBook Pro 13.

As an intern and then as an employee so far three times a MacBook Pro 15 in a row.

Are very good notebooks to develop, but the current generation with touchbar and the terrible keyboard you can forget. Fortunately, at least the latter will soon be changed again.


But now I can imagine why it happens at all. When developing for mac and other platforms. But you do not need to do it in your studies. Is it possible to run mac os on the vm?


I would be new that there's a VM for macOS under Win. And a VM is not an OS, but a program.


Yes I know that a VM is a program. But the vms I know can all sorts of operating systems if you have an iso for it


It was about the best possible laptop for a computer science study, not just anybody. As a rule, you need much more than just a "Browser & Office" device.


Computer science studies

For on the way you need about nothing…

Object-oriented programming, databases, WBL, … Yes ne is clear, of course you need a pear for 1700 euro.

Sorry, I see something different.