Beer over laptop?


Good evening I spilled a beer over my laptop, there were stripes on the screen immediately, I turned it off immediately and the back door opened to dry. Now after a week I wanted to start it again and he jumped on immediately, but 4 Sterifen remain on the top of the picture still, how can I still repair a repair, my dears, I thank you for any advice in advance, lg Dirk


I guess since he was still under power at the time he had a small short circuit in the display and I think that can't be repaired without replacing the whole display


Laptops with physical self-healing powers have yet to be invented. Without repair, your laptop will most likely keep these streaks in the screen.

As an alternative to the repair shops of the electronics stores (which may be so expensive that buying a replacement (for example, seems cheaper), there's

Beer over laptop, where you will try to get your laptop back to budget. The largest network of repair initiatives you will find

You may also find a matching - on

That your laptop does not tolerate beer, you probably already knew. To turn it off immediately and let it dry again inside the first, was in the situation the best thing you could do.

If you just want to keep working on someone pouring beer over your laptop in the future, you should think about whether it would not be better to spend your money on an Of course, rugged and water-proof versions are more expensive than the But whoever buys cheaply pays then at the end possibly double.