Father pretends to be my fault, but then always says that I'm not to blame?


I don't quite understand my father. He often acts like I'm to blame for the situation. But if I tell him that or say that I'm to blame (which I mean then) he says I'm not to blame.


My parents are separated and I'm currently living with my father. I go to my mother's place on Wednesdays and every other weekend. She lives about 20-30 minutes away.

A time has been agreed when I should come back. It is (unfortunately) often 5-10 minutes later. This is due, for example, to the general buffer time (traffic jam, slow car driver in front of you, accident, black ice, etc.).
This annoys my father. When I get home it feels so cold and my father and her partner don't really greet me either, even though I try to do so. And when he talks about it refers to her (my mother and I). For example, I had an online church service. I arrived 10-15 minutes after the time started (there was an accident ahead of us which made everything go slower). I follow the obline service on my laptop and it was not yet "set up". He said this and YOU knew it too.

I often blame myself, get a guilty conscience very quickly and try to make up for it.

But I can't cope with my father always saying that I'm not to blame, but then often pretending that I'm to blame. I've told him this before.

How could I cope better with it in the future and / or do you have ideas how I could possibly get him to admit that I'm also to blame?

Would appreciate answers


I can only give you one piece of advice… No matter what your father does or what he says, he loves you more than anything…

and no matter how difficult your situation is at the moment, please try to see everything he says with love…

People have worries and problems and often say what they regret and they can't find the right words in a situation…

You have to try all of this not to feel too hurtful…

think a few years ahead and imagine what it will be like when he is old and has to leave at some point…

there should only be love between you… No bad words or thoughts…

enjoy your father / child relationship and so you can now maybe look a little over the top…

I speak from experience… I may have a few more weeks with my father… I don't know exactly… But I only think of all the beautiful things that bind us together…

all the best to you… LG, Mika 🌼


Your father doesn't blame you either, but probably your mother. There was a reason for the breakup. That may still be heavy on his shoulders.

You should just let go of the thought that it's about guilt. But you should also try to come on time. Maybe you should just leave earlier.

I'm a parent myself and I hate it when my children are late, and it doesn't matter what happens and why the child came home late.

That happens often with you too. The problem is not blaming that there's a reason for the delay, and so on, but that your mom is obviously not getting it that you are on time. This annoys your father and he can't take his anger out on you, whatever speaks for him. He's mad at your mother. You will then hear the disaffection from him.


Thank you, you also have a nice time with your father


Well, that's just an example… It happens similarly in other situations…


I can only go into what you wrote. How should I know other things?


I wrote that this is an example ;-)


I thank you… LG, Mika


Well, you gave two examples, both of which are about being late and it is assumed that these are examples of a series.

But that doesn't matter either. I believe your dad loves you and doesn't like you when you break the rules. He certainly wants you to do well in your future professional life.


I'm sorry if we came across two examples, should actually only be one: /. And apart from the "mommy days", I'm very punctual


Thank you very much for your star… LG, Mika🌼