Clean laptop fan?


Since my laptop is overheating, I wanted to ask if I could clean the laptop more easily without unscrewing it with compressed air? Or is that not enough?

and if the overheating is not due to the dust, what could it be? The laptop runs in idle with 80c


You have to open the laptop and then spray the fan with compressed air cleaner. If the laptop is still closed and you want to clean the fan this way, all the dust is distributed in the laptop. So unscrew and spray


That doesn't help, it will only clog more, as a filter is probably in between.

Unscrew, tweezers and brushes and carefully remove the dust balls from the rib wings.


You can do it already, but the dust would only spread in the laptop. I would open the device in your place and vacuum the fans with a vacuum cleaner, but hold the fan so that it does not rotate. (Hold so that there's no short circuit)


If it's not dust, what could it be?


If it's not dust, what could it be?


It can also be that the processor lists the heat incorrectly, so it thinks it is 50 ° C even though it is 80 ° C. If the fan is already running at maximum strength, it simply switches off


The laptop also switches off and on from time to time


That the laptop is overloaded