Laptop for computer science study etc?

- in Gaming

I'm a student of computer science from the coming summer semester.

For this I would need a suitable laptop which can serve a budget of max 700 + - €.

Due to the amount of time I spend in front of the screen, the laptop should have a matte display.

Since I will leave my booth pc at home, it should also be suitable for certain multimedia tasks such as gaming etc. Approach.

Furthermore, there would be a certain mobility of users!

Thank you and LG

ps: before I'm told I should be able to advise myself as a prospective computer science student, yes that's true and yes I've already done, but there's a huge chance today in the huge selection that someone here give me a good tip, etc. Could!


Are you studying at a university or FH?


FH, but does that matter?


Tip 1: forget "… Appropriately suitable for certain multimedia tasks such as gaming…" and concentrate on reliability, a 1A keyboard and computing power. You do not get the egg-laying Wollmilchsau for the price.

Tip 2: pay attention to the connections! Especially GBit-LAN could be important, some models do not have that anymore. But also thunderbolt and eSATA, and if necessary, an optical drive you could consider…


Yes, at a university you will not need a laptop.


Look at the little piece:-)

Find him well balanced for the price. Do you need to know if he likes you:-)