Financial worries?


I'm 16 years old and I'm a little worried about money. After school I want to study and for that I need a driver's license, car, laptop etc., the study also costs.

My problem is that our family doesn't make that much money, we don't get pocket money etc. And my parents always "borrow" my money (until today I haven't got it back), the money comes from the newspaper and from my father, who visits me once a year (now about 1000 euro, which you just took). With the money I actually wanted to get a laptop for learning, you have to say that they take away the money from me when I'm at school and there's nothing I can do about it…

I already had the idea that if I want to study, my parents would give me my child benefit, but they mean that they will not make ends meet without /. Do you have any tips on how I can bring in some money and finance my studies (work is clear, maybe. Bafög is enough, I mean I have to pay / buy a lot?)


So this is really an absurdity that your parents will CLAIM your earned money!
That is not how it works!

And it shouldn't be your concern if you don't make ends meet, you are entitled to child benefit!


Against the background that will be nothing with a driver's license and car. Not before you finish your studies and earn money.


Parents shouldn't actually "borrow" your money, especially if they don't give it back.

Otherwise you might want to save on your expenses. I'm not sure if you really need a car to study. Back then I had e.g. None, and at the age of 50 I still have none…


It is reasonable that you are already thinking about how to finance your studies. But that shouldn't be a worry at first.

Find a safe place to put some money aside. This can be under the pillow, but maybe also with the grandma who can take care of it for you. You should only withdraw it from your parents, who obviously use it for their living expenses or for themselves.

What you don't need for your studies are driving license and car. I would rather move out of your home and move to the place of study.


There are many organizations that support young people. Unfortunately, I don't know in which environment you live. But I'm sure there are some around you.

For example, there are organizations that support children of foreign parents financially, for example with a laptop to learn. To do this, you just have to tell a little bit about yourself and make a kind of application. You don't have to tell them about your problems and you're tied to almost no things!

Unfortunately, I don't remember what it's called, but I could look again.

I also know other organizations for all young people, but of course it makes no sense if I only tell you about organizations around me.

I have already seen from your other questions that it is not easy for you and if it really gets too extreme, I would advise you to turn to other people you trust or even to seek professional help.

If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to ask.