I want to fly to Vietnam and then overland back to DE for under 1000 Euro in 6-8 weeks. Can this become life threatening?


I want to start an adventure trip where I physically and mentally reach my limits with limited financial resources!

International health insurance complete, clothes and passport in the backpack, as well as 1000 euro and then go… Everything else remains at home such as credit cards, too high financial security, it would not be a challenge in my opinion

Sleep somewhere, when there's no cheap hostel or overnight ride by bus and train! The food which results and with certainty you also get to know new country kitchens… Clothes in the lake with the hand washing, if you can't find a cheap laundry

I actually planned to cross the Amazon rainforest from west to east on my own, but after much research, this seems to be life threatening! Also, the climb to Mount Everest is too expensive with 20,000 euro, have just 1/4 as a budget thereof

I finally want to get out of my safe feel-good factor life! Get up in the morning, go to the bus stop and the over-punctual bus bends around the curve 1min before arrival time, so you just do not come late to work! Come home to your warm apartment with heating, where you wait for a warm meal, running water and electricity! A button will clean your laundry from time to time. If you are bored you have a game console, TV, internet, laptop etc

I want to finally feel the UNGEWISSE and the FEAR, if not everything is available and runs as usual

What do you think of such a trip with limited financial resources?

Or maybe you have better adventure travel as a suggestion?


Have fun.

Flight to Vietnam - ~ 500 euro


Be rejected without a visa at the airport because you have no return flight?

The money is enough (minus flight) in a simple Touri travel style if necessary 2 weeks. In an extremely economical if necessary 4.

After that, that should be gone.

There are also visas and the like. By which countries do you want to go back overland?


this time as info what can happen in something like that.


I mean without airfare and many countries can visit 30 days without a visa and for the countries I need I take care of myself here and pay everything locally in the embassy

I mean 1000 euro only for food and bus and train ticket! At worst, I'm going to be pinging somewhere and not in the hostel… I want to master such a challenge

I have saved 6000 euro, but with such financial resources, everyone back to Vietnam can get overland by land


Sorry, but I just remember the wisdom: Is the donkey too well, he goes on the ice ".

Which route do you want to take? Well, I just looked at the globe and found none that I would even begin to take: Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, etc… Not the countries where I would knock on my own and alone at the border. Probably you need visas anyway and have to plan long in advance.

One thing is clear: you would experience a lot - and hopefully survive at all.

Would not it be enough for you to escape the daily routine by hiking across Germany? Maybe that's your problem: In your daily routine, you've lost your eye for the little things on the right and left of your path. I bet there are endless new discoveries in the immediate vicinity that will expand your awareness, your horizon and the contemplation of life.

Or do you really need to be scared? Also in Germany: Just hike on the hard shoulder of the highways. Sounds funny, but what is the difference to a hike in an area where you have to be afraid of landmines, snipers, kidnappings or robbery? I'm still thinking of the young Kandier, the Islamist in Iraq cut off the head in front of the camera. First reaction: how awful. Second reaction: What is he looking for? Could search safely and joyously in Canada his adventures.

I hope I do not have to think about you when your fate is in the paper.

And annoy me about the tax dollars that you - if still alive - buy or rescue (even if you're billed afterwards).

No wisdom: Anyone who puts themselves in danger, is in it.


In Vietnam, it is 14 or so days and hardly any airline takes you with you if you have no further or return ticket. Since you will be stopped in D already.

We're talking here of countries with many diseases and the like. Malaria and rabies. A permanent night "somewhere" is not recommended. I'm a backpacker and need 250 e the week. Half of it is probably the absolute minimum.

Visas can cost 50 euro quickly.

Please note that many Grenzrn are also not open. So you have to either fly, cross illegally or take another route.

Overland you would have to travel through China because Myanmar - Bangladesh is closed to my knowledge.

I think the idea rather bereft. What do you do when the money is gone or you get robbed?

If you really want to travel overland is OK but then please halfway with brains:

Good research of the route
Good research of the visa
Take a credit card, preferably a prepaid so someone else can charge for you in an emergency + ne 2. For safety
Find out where you can work legally on the road.


For some reason we have to die!

I do not want to look back 40 years and say I was scared of the world!

Then I take just the whole 6000 euro and try it, should not fail the financial resources


Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand Myanmar, China, Kazakhstan, Russia… And from Russia I have quite a few options like Finland, Estonia, Latvia or Belarus, the main thing is not Ukraine

The money should not fail, if it must be I take the whole 6000 euro as cash and distributed on 2 credit cards


Then do it too. You only have a life you should not play so lightly with.


That's the point Princess, you only have one life!

I do not want to look back 40 years and say I was scared of the world!


Please do not call me princess.

If you want to do it then do it. If you ask here but in our opinion then live so that they may not fit you. And in my view there's a difference between "experiencing the world" and "risking life". A bit like parachuting. I can do parachuting if I think that gives me something. The only question is, do I do that intelligently with screen or mean it is only a real adventure if I jump without a screen.

If you want to hear "Yes super that" you are obviously wrong here and you should look for a different environment if necessary to get your confirmation there.


For some reason we have to die!

With the argument you can sorry- any nonsense - that is, any completely irrational act justify.

I do not want to look back 40 years and say I was scared of the world!

Sorry, but there you have a fear, and indeed the biggest, you can have: The fear of retrospect to recognize, to have led a wrong life.

And what about the fear of realizing that the self-discovery trip was a wrong decision while you were being held in a hole by armed militia for 3 years, or an Islamist in Iraq or a robber killer in Russia is starting to stab your throat sting, or government organizations using you as a living pledge, or because you've lost both legs through an infection, etc.

My assumption: You are not running away from the circumstances of your oh-so-boring life, but from yourself. But there you can walk around the earth three times and eat dirt, you will not let go.

Your adventure trip is probably a rather inappropriate therapy.

I think you should start somewhere else.


What now? Come with me or should I go already?


What now? Come with me or should I go already?


No thanks. Russia does not irritate me. I've been to Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar


Then we take a different route and make it more exciting 😁




How would you like it?


I'm flying to Panama now

