Laptop constantly overloaded at 2.6 GHz?


My laptop has two processors with 1.1 GHz and has up to 2.6 GHz, is constantly overloaded. There's a lot of jerking and the Task Manager always shows that the CPU is 100% overloaded. I can't even look Netflix smoothly.

I've already switched from a processor to two processors via msconfig, but nothing has changed. My laptop is new and constantly comes up with the message "Your PC needs to be restarted to finish setting up this device". I have restarted my laptop several times and the message is still coming.

I'm just a bit overwhelmed.


If you open Netflix through the browser, you can just use another time and try if it works then, you can also look in the Task Manager whether running in the background program. You can also make program out of the autostart (works also through Task Manager)


The processor sounds very weak. That will be the problem too. You can try another browser, and if that does not help, flatten the laptop and then install as little software on the computer as possible to protect it. If you only use the computer for the Internet, you could also consider installing a slim Linux, which often needs much less power than Windows.


In the task manager you can see which program consumes so many resources. You should do something with this (stop, delete, uninstall etc.)