Laptop makes extremely loud noise. How so?

- in Acer

I was on the laptop and suddenly he started to make an extremely loud noise. The sound sounds like the device in the hospital that makes this constant sound when a patient's heart stops. But very loud. I guess I just had him on for too long? I've had it on a lot of times, but it's been almost 5 years now. It is an Acer from the E5-771 series.

Did not drive him down because I closed it quickly. As soon as I open it, it starts again.

Am I correct in my assumption or is it something else? What should I do?


Record the sound when it happens again.

I guess that's some error code from the motherboard.

If you know how long the sound lasts and how often it comes in succession, you can look in the manual for what this error code means.

Whatever it may be that the ball bearing from the fan is scrap, that does not sound good either. Take it in any case, upload it to YouTube or so high and post the link here, that would make it much easier to find the cause.


It could be a bit dirty. It could also be an error code from the system. Take the sound.


Hi, here's the sound. I recorded it as a video:


Hi, here's the sound. I recorded it as a video:

It happens as soon as I want to serve him.


Hi, here's the sound. I recorded it as a video:

Was just designing my site with CSS. Not really more.


I know only too well

Turn off the sound and maybe even take out the battery.


Have the fan, the battery cleaned. Now it works again. Thank you.

So I really could not have done anything with the part. 😂


Okay, unfortunately I can't tell you what exactly it is because I lack some information and you interrupt the sound in the video and you can't hear it well.

I'll tell you now what you have to do:

The laptop is still working on it so turn it on and enter into the Windows search: "msinfo32". Then you see in the table the point bios version / date. Then you look what's standing there (it may be that it is framed, then look for the initial letters.) Eg I have an AMI bios but I have American Megatrents Inc. So the first letters are AMI so I'm an AMI bios).

If you know, then go to the Wikipedia article:

And find out about your bios version. Then you have to judge the tone lengths. Listen carefully and watch examples on the internet. Write it down and the table tells you which hardware part has a defect.

You can also make a video again, but let the whole sound sequence run and try to record it as clearly as possible. Then I can try it again.


Well, that definitely comes from the motherboard.

I think in the manual to the thing schonmal no indication of what this error code should be called.

Stupid question, does any key hang? It may well be that it beeps then. In the video you can see that there are already three buttons missing, does the beep stop when you press one or more of them?