Help me choose a new pc?

- in Acer

I haven't been satisfied with my old system (a laptop, Acer Aspire E15) for a while. It no longer does its job as a laptop anyway, because I have it on the charging cable all the time and the battery is pretty bad as a result. In addition, for such a price (around 800 euro about 3 years ago) it takes an extremely long time to start up, generally reacts slowly and annoys me again and again. I even reset it a few weeks ago because, despite repeated checks and cleanups, I still thought it might get faster if everything I ever systematically fed into it was removed. But that was not the case, it is slow as ever, right after the reset. In addition, his keyboard is partly broken, which is due to the fact that I once tried to clean the area below the keys, which resulted in not even a computer shop owner getting the keys back in because the print construction is far too filigree and it does just never engages. Believe me, I've tried everything. Then some time later a line broke somewhere in the keyboard and now I can no longer use N, M, comma, J, K and I (I type with an external keyboard). This thing just totally annoys me and I decided to finally buy a tower, a real PC. I'm convinced that they tend to run more smoothly and since I can no longer use my laptop really mobile anyway, and because of my studies I spend a lot of time at home on the computer anyway, a tower seems to me to be the much better solution. I also mention that towers are much cheaper for the same performance.

The requirements arise from the following motives:

I sometimes play League and Hearthstone, neither of which are very graphically demanding games. My PC should be able to run both of them smoothly at 60 FPS in every situation (the NVIDIA GeForce 940MX in my laptop couldn't even do that, it often only had 40 with League)
I want at least 1TB HDD, I don't (I think) need an SSD
I want Windows Explorer, Chrome, things like that to open immediately. On my laptop, it takes a few seconds, that's just unacceptable.
A WLAN receiver in the PC would be practical, but it is not mandatory
The PC should be suitable for video and audio editing (Sony Vegas & FL Studio) and not take too long to render or jerk terribly (FLS)
The PC has to be quiet, otherwise I'll get into the crisis.
The PC needs a bluetooth receiver (whether this is standard or not)
I estimate the purchase price to be around 600 euro.

If someone could help me, I would be very happy!


Would you like to build it yourself or get a finished PC?


Finished PC would be really better. I don't know anything about hardware and I could never forgive myself for messing up something really bad


I ordered my PC about 4 weeks ago via and of course configured it myself, but before I started configuring my PC, I first checked my budget. So my question is how much budget do you have available, how much do you invest. At this point I wouldn't save up after all, the plan is to work sensibly with 5-8 years of problems.


No, dude. Ne ssd is pretty much the ONLY thing you really need! With a hdd it's no wonder that everything runs too slowly!
