What would make you happier traveling to the other end of the world or getting a new laptop?


I need this for a study project where I investigate whether people value experience or material things more.

What would make you happier to travel to New Zealand with your family for 7 days and stay there in a remote village (your employer will get a compensation you don't have to pay) or a new Mac Book Pro and a new iPhone of the latest Generation? Assuming you won a lottery and could choose between the two alternatives, what would you choose?


I would much rather travel to New Zealand for 7 days and explore everything there. Generally I like to travel, which is why it was not difficult to decide now. It's also a really nice experience and New Zealand is incredibly beautiful.


Actually, I'm not traveling, I have never traveled (outside school or summer camps).

But I don't need a laptop right now, and I don't care about cell phones, especially iPhones.

So I would be forced to travel for the first time.


Actually, I would rather gain experience and discover new countries with people.

However, I'm permanently short of cash and a good laptop and a good cell phone would be much more helpful to me in the long run and relieve me of a lot of pressure. Had I been able to afford them "easily" I would have chosen the trip.


Both not. I don't want to make New Zealand and I don't want a new iPhone. I would only take a new laptop. However, I would rather go on vacation, but not to New Zealand, but to Albania.


Since I don't want to go to New Zealand for seven days and I don't like jet lag. At another destination with less arrival stress I would choose to travel.