Upgrade Windows 10 or completely reinstall?

- in Acer

I have a laptop (Acer Aspire E1-572G). AMD Radeon HD8670M / Intelcore i5-4200U / 8GB DDR3.

It was from the beginning Windows 8.1 on it. I play with the laptop CS: GO and loose my 120 FPS.

Since Teamspeak is not running on Windows 8.1 and I've tried everything possible to make it work, I've upgraded to Windows 10. Teamspeak works. CS: GO can't start because the following error message appears: '' your graphics hardware does not support all features (csm) ''. Another problem has occurred and Windows does not save my installed stuff. After a restart, the message came that no video driver was installed. In addition, my laptop has become slower. To my question: Is it because I have upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 and I have not completely reinstalled Windows 10?

Find it very strange that nothing works.


If possible, you should avoid "upgrading" if there's nothing private about it, as Windows then tries to integrate existing drivers (which are not fully compatible) and handles configuration.

The best way to do it is that the PC manufacturer, the new driver (chipset, Grafil, LAN, sound, etc.) for Windows 10 down load.

Then reboot the computer using Windows 10 Boot CD / DVD / Stick and subsequently install the correct drivers.

Windows 10 then configured according to his wishes and misinstalled programs - if everything works then I always make an IMAGE of the entire installation on ext. Hard disk.

This saves later installation with all settings.