Laptop hangs up while loading?

- in Acer

I'm in the possession of an Acer Swift 1. Recently, the "Macke", that if it hangs on the charging cable and it's my turn, it just hangs up after about 5 minutes. You can't do anything except force the switch off by pressing the switch-off button.

How can that be and how do I fix the problem?


How old is the device?


Not a year yet


Edit: If you're active all the time, it does not happen. For example, look at the Netflix


Is extremely difficult to help over the Internet.

Look in the energy saving options. Since you can adjust everything possible, which should turn off after a certain time. Maybe it's in there, for example, the hard drive shuts off after 5 minutes o.ö. And then just does not start clever anymore, or is already hanging on the ausgen.

It's best to have someone look on it, who has a bit of a clue, classmates or something.