Windows 10 2004 Explorer has a bug, idea?

- in HP

I had made my laptop faster with an SSD about 1 month ago and then wanted to install the big 2004 update, because the update should not take so long due to the SSD.

Now about 1 month later, the Explorer is causing problems. Since it hangs when charging and does not provide any feedback or it takes 30 - 60 minutes for the normal loading of the drives on the laptop. (Say the C: drive, a VeraCrypt Safe and a Mico SD card.) If he managed to show me the drives after 30 minutes, you can see a green loading bar at the top that never stops loading. (Where you can enter a path.)

Programs that also want to access the file system try to access data, but then hang up and no longer give feedback. (For example, Gimp, if I want to open or save a file, that's exactly what happens. Otherwise everything works normally.)

I have an HP laptop (HP laptop 14-bp0xx) and a Crucial SSD with 1 TB and about 300 GB of free space. With CrystalDiskInfo, the SSD has the status Good with 99%.

Do you have any idea what could be going on there?


Think you confuse that with 2004


Good with "99%"? What does that mean exactly? Such a fresh SSD should actually be completely error-free.

What about the microSD card? They break genres sometimes.

In any case, this sounds more like a hardware problem than a problem with Windows. What does "chkdsk" deliver?

The update is probably called 2004, isn't it? 2009 has not yet been published.


99% since the SSD had to write 4 TB in the 1 month, that's why the value. Chkdsk does not find any errors, more detailed information under this link.

The micro SD card is still fine, if I remove it nothing changes, except that the medium just stops appearing. (Which is logical😂)

Yes exactly 2004, my mistake, sorry.


Sorry, I meant the 2004 version, I made a mistake. (


Yup, my mistake, sorry. 😂


Can you post the log file directly? I don't want to give you my IP address.


Otherwise I have no idea of your problem


Okay, you can also use a VPN (just next to), just wanted to keep it clearer. But I can fully understand, because that's how I'm otherwise.

[Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.329]

(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C: \ WINDOWS \ system32> chkdsk

The file system type is NTFS.

WARNING! The / F parameter was not specified.

CHKDSK runs in read-only mode.

Phase 1: The basic file system structure is examined…

835584 records processed.

File validation ended.

Phase duration (file record check): 9.19 seconds.

6955 large records processed.

Phase duration (recovery for orphaned file record): 0.00 milliseconds.

0 invalid records processed.

Phase duration (check for wrong file record): 0.19 milliseconds.

Phase 2: The file name linkage is examined…

450 analysis data records processed.

1137098 Index entries processed.

Index check ended.

Phase duration (index check): 35.62 seconds.

0 files not indexed checked.

Phase duration (reconnection for orphaned data set): 5.68 seconds.

0 unindexed files restored.

Phase duration (orphan record recovery): 0.19 milliseconds.

450 analysis data records processed.

Phase duration (check of analysis points and object ID): 5.97 milliseconds.

Phase 3: Security Descriptions Are Examined…

Review of security descriptors ended.

Phase duration (security descriptor check): 169.36 milliseconds.

150758 data files processed.

Phase duration (data attribute check): 0.63 milliseconds.

CHKDSK reviews USN Journal…

38823920 USN bytes processed.

USN Journal review is complete.

Phase duration (USN Journal Review): 279.33 milliseconds.

File system checked, no problems found.

No further action required.

869674373 KB total disk space

630569196 KB in 672371 files

381572 KB in 150759 indexes

0 KB in bad sectors

972117 KB used by the system

65536 KB occupied by the log file

237751488 KB available on disk

4096 bytes in each allocation unit

217418593 Allocation units on disk total

59437872 Allocation units available on disk

Total duration: 50.96 seconds (50968 ms).


OK. That looks pretty good. Now a faulty extension in Explorer could have a braking effect. How does the Explorer behave when you boot the computer in safe mode?


Perhaps an important piece of information is that the path "C: / User / I /" does not contain any folders such as documents, pictures, music and videos. Since I removed this and changed the path to the folders on the left to A: / Users / Me / (documents, pictures, etc.). Since I integrate my safe with VeraCrypt on A: and so my data is more secure.

In Safe Mode, the Explorer works wonderfully, without loading times and without a loading bar. I can't access the network devices through Safe Mode, which is probably normal.


"A:" - oh, long time no see.

This could be a sign of a defective shell extension. The Explorer can bite his teeth out of it. You can find a list of the active shell extensions using or Try to deactivate them in AutoRuns in the tab "Explorer" and test whether one of them misses. If so, I would uninstall or reinstall the corresponding program.


Okay, I get a lot displayed, what exactly should I do? I get 286 items displayed there, should I send you a screenshot?

I think I found the bug. I don't want to have OneDrive on my computer. Since I had uninstalled it back then and it has been back on since the 2004 update and I can't uninstall it, I assume that I can't uninstall it. So I had deleted the OneDrive folder at the path "% USERPROFILE% \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \". Could it be that I have problems with the Explorer because of this?


Okay thanks anyway


Yes, that is possible! Then Explorer would search for the cloud service for a long time. I was able to uninstall OneDrive via Control Panel → Programs. In addition, I also switched off the following in the registry:

Windows Registry Editor version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Onedrive]
"DisableLibrariesDefaultSaveToOneDrive" = dword: 00000001
"DisableFileSync" = dword: 00000001
"DisableMeteredNetworkFileSync" = dword: 00000001
"DisableFileSyncNGSC" = dword: 00000001

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Onedrive]
"DisableLibrariesDefaultSaveToOneDrive" = dword: 00000001
"DisableFileSync" = dword: 00000001
"DisableMeteredNetworkFileSync" = dword: 00000001
"DisableFileSyncNGSC" = dword: 00000001

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}
"System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree" = dword: 00000000

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ WOW6432Node \ CLSID \ {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}
"System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree" = dword: 00000000

As always: make a backup of the registry beforehand. Then create a file "NoOneDrive.reg" and insert it with an admin account by double-clicking on the file.


Moin Moin, where should I enter that?

In the registry editor I searched for "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Onedrive" and came to \ Windows \ and did not find the Onedrive folder there. I added a screenshot of my question above as a supplement.

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Onedrive" I did not find the Onedrive folder either.

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}
"System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree" = dword: 00000000

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ WOW6432Node \ CLSID \ {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}
"System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree" = dword: 00000000

I found these two, but I don't know what to do there. Since I'm completely unfamiliar with the registry editor, I have not done anything there yet because I do not want to break anything.

Can you explain to me what an idiot what should I do?


Basically, not the users, but the computers are the "idiots".

You can first make a backup of the registry. To do this, open regedit with admin rights. Then select "Computer", right-click on "Export" and save where you store your backups.

Then takes the text from my previous comment. Save it in a file called "NoOneDrive.reg". Then log in to Windows with an admin account. Double-click the file. Finished.


Okay, I have a backup now.

Should the new file "NoOneDrive.reg" contain a key, string, binary value, DWORD value (32-bit), DWORD value (64-bit), value of the multi-part string or value of the expandable string?

What do I do with the two:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Onedrive]
"DisableLibrariesDefaultSaveToOneDrive" = dword: 00000001
"DisableFileSync" = dword: 00000001
"DisableMeteredNetworkFileSync" = dword: 00000001
"DisableFileSyncNGSC" = dword: 00000001

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Onedrive]
"DisableLibrariesDefaultSaveToOneDrive" = dword: 00000001
"DisableFileSync" = dword: 00000001
"DisableMeteredNetworkFileSync" = dword: 00000001
"DisableFileSyncNGSC" = dword: 00000001

where I don't have the \ Onedrive folder, should I create it?


Should the new file "NoOneDrive.reg" contain a key, string, binary value, DWORD value (32-bit), DWORD value (64-bit), value of the multi-part string or value of the expandable string?

:-) The "file" should be a file. So a file on the hard drive in any folder. This doesn't happen in regedit. Create this file e.g. Right-click in Explorer → New → Text Document. Then rename it and leave out the ".txt" because it has to stop with ".reg".

The OneDrive folder is then created automatically when you double-click this file.


😂 Okay, so easy.

So I did and executed that, then I got the message that the keys and values were successfully included in the registration.

After a restart, I was able to start Explorer quickly and all drives and icons were immediately displayed. The loading bar still appears and programs such as Gimp, no longer give feedback or crashes when I try to open or save data.


Hm, a partial success. Do you get entries in the error log? See "Event Viewer".


Okay, these are all system errors I get:

I get errors when I unlink a VeraCrypt Safe:

Transaction Resource Manager could not start on volume "A:" due to a non-repeatable error. The error code is included in the data. [14.07.2020 14:38:32] [14.07.2020 13:16:11]

I also get errors with the IPv6 TCP / IP interface:

The IPv6 TCP / IP interface with index 10 could not be bound to the provider. [14.07.2020 13:42:54] [14.07.2020 13:17:30] [13.07.2020 20:38:31]

Then I get a driver error from VirtualBox:

The driver found an internal driver error on \ Device \ VBoxNetLwf. [14.07.2020 13:17:22] [14.07.2020 10:46:25] [13.07.2020 20:38:23]

I also get Bluetooth:

Mutual authentication between the local Bluetooth adapter and a device with a Bluetooth adapter address (04: fe: a1: fa: c2: 20) has failed. [14.07.2020 10:47:58]

Then the laptop also crashed, so I see this as critical:

The system was restarted without being shut down properly. This error can occur if the system has stopped responding, has crashed, or the power supply has been unexpectedly cut. [13.07.2020 20:37:53]

I don't even start with the application errors. 😂

I think the easiest thing is to reinstall Windows 10, what do you think?


That could be an idea. Then nail OneDrive straight away. I only use VeraCrypt for folders that I want to protect specifically. Moving the folders out of the profile path often works, but sometimes causes problems.


Okay, then I'll reinstall Windows 10 mail.


Sorry that I'm taking your time again. I just reinstalled windows and wanted to play my data on it again after the first restart. When I opened the Explorer, I got the error that it takes forever to load and the loading bar never stops loading.

Since I only have 1x 8 GB of ram in my laptop and it is already 3-4 years old, the ram must also be slowly through. Especially since I make a backup every month, that's a few TB a year that only have to be backed up by the working memory and has been for 3-4 years.

So 2 weeks ago I had the work area checked by Windows, with the settings Advanced at F1. At that point, the Windows memory diagnostic tool worked out at 21%. After a restart, I tried the Advanced setting again, but it got stuck at 21%. So I tried the standard settings, there it went through without any problems and reported no errors.

I just ran this test again in the advanced settings, but it stopped again at 21%. If I then go into the settings with F1, everything is so slow that the text is displayed to me from left to right in moving text, line by line. Like a really old computer. Is this a system error or is the RAM so bad that it just doesn't continue?

Do you have any idea? I look forward to your answer 😜


Have Windows check the busy area with the Advanced settings at F1.

How or when did you do exactly what with "F1"? Did you use the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool on restart? What does "When I go to Settings with F1" mean?

Defective RAM can trigger a lot of different errors. It is strange that this only shows up in the loading bar in Explorer. Test the memory with memtest86. If there's an error, the RAM is defective. Then an exchange helps.

By the way, a few TB per year are no problem for RAM. Neither do backups. PC3-10600 creates 10666 MByte / s, i.e. 0.01 TB / s. For calculations such as re-encoding videos, you wrote a TB into RAM every 2 minutes.


Ah yes, I also tried the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool. F1 opens the options there. Are you sure the tool has stopped at 21%? For some tests, no progress is shown for a long time. You can let MEMTEST86 run for 2 hours. Since caching is also switched off in some settings during the test of Windows, additional errors could occur. It's a little bit mysterious.


Yes, I ran the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool again for 3 hours. Since it only got up to 21%, when I then pressed F1, my screen was displayed in moving text. Everything was shown to me from left to right, line by line. As if you used an old computer. Then I wanted to let it run again without restarting, but it didn't even start.

The funny thing is that the RAM test tool from HP runs in the BIOS without errors in 10 minutes and finds no errors.

I tried Memtest86, this was now 2 hours and 30 minutes for my 8 GB DDR4 RAM. Unfortunately, the tester also found no errors.

I have a NAS that only turns on on a specific day and time. So I entered it in Explorer and there as a network drive. This means that most of the time he can't find the device because it is not on. Then I also have a time machine from Apple, which can be reached via ping, but takes a long time before you can access the data. (On Windows) Therefore I sometimes get an error message there.

Is it possible that the error arises?

(Also, the laptop was at HP support because the fan was not quite there. Then they noticed that the RAM was also through. So they had changed the RAM there, although it was less than 1 year old was.)