Buy a laptop, mother says no?

- in Acer

I, at the age of 14, would like to buy a gaming notebook with the money I have saved. I currently have an Acer notebook that is slowly coming to an end. My father knows PC's well, that's why I talked about it for a long drive. He himself said it was okay that I could buy one. When I got home, I told my mother about the idea of a GAMING notebook. She said as long as it's your money you can do whatever you want with it. 5min. Later she yells at me why I want to buy this. I told her that my current one is slowly giving up and that I need a more powerful PC. She said she kept yelling at me and did NOT change her mind. At the moment, I'm working very hard at school. It is now about 1-2 months since that happened from above. What do you think I should ask them again or just leave it? And what should I do if she says no?


She was angry at something else and let it out on you. Just buy one with your dad. I also ordered one, just think it's great


My mom would yell at my dad for it…


What kind of rag is your papa that should put them in their place


He does. He tries to talk to her calmly but she raises her voice, then my dad raises her voice and then the screaming starts that even the walls rattle


My mother seems to be relieved of the stress that she gets at work


OK. That's weird, it's definitely not because of you and the laptop


That is clear. But as I said, if I were to order the laptop with my father alone, my mother would yell at me


What do you think I should talk to you about it tomorrow? In all peace and satisfaction?


If you are into gaming buy a PC, a laptop is the worse choice when it comes to gaming.

A gaming laptop makes "sense" when you travel a lot, e.g. Business trips etc. If the laptop is primarily used at home at the desk, a laptop would be a waste of money.

A PC brings you significantly better hardware for the same money, alternatively you can buy a PC with comparable performance for less money.

A laptop actually only has disadvantages for gaming, not least the temperature is a big problem which significantly reduces the longevity.

If you want to have a computer for gaming then I clearly advise you to use a desktop PC. You still need a monitor, mouse and keyboard, but it's still worth more. A mouse and a keyboard are also recommended for a gaming laptop, the keyboard on a laptop is just garbage to play with and the mouse… You can try the touchpad. You also need other peripherals such as a headset and / or speakers, so the only additional expense would be the monitor, which is easily included due to the lower price of a PC.

What do you think I should ask them again or just leave it? And what should I do if she says no?

Talk to your father and mother about it, only if both agree you should buy it. You can of course use your father to play your mother off, but that the trouble is then twice as big should be clear. Having your own PC at your age is nothing bad or unusual, and it is hardly feasible anymore.

In another answer from you I could read that your mother could bring the argument that you were there all day to be able to gamble. This is not a bad argument because it is usually the greatest thing for children of your age when they can play on the PC and then simply ignore the more important things.

I made a PC available to my nephew (10 years old) on which he can also gamble, but I hold my hand over it and when I say it's over, then it's over. I can control the PC from anywhere and don't have to be at home. Once he said he could go on anyway, but when I switched off his PC from my office, without which he could save… Well, he learned from it.

You should talk to your father about it and let him have "power" over the PC, but what is much more important would be that you listen to it when someone asks you to switch off the PC or to switch it off. If the latter does not pull, your father could pull the "plug" and shut down the PC in front of your eyes - without him being there.