Hello why am I getting eye pain from my laptop?

- in Acer

I have a 10 year old Acer laptop with a 1600: 900 resolution. The picture is already sharp, but the writing still doesn't seem sharp to me. I've tried everything, from scaling to blue light filters to programs that adjust fonts to zooming. I get stitches in my eye after just 10 minutes. It's like the background is fading, but even if I darken the background, it is. Whether in the kitchen, bedroom, living room or even in the bathroom without a window. Then the next day I even have eye pain and they dry out. I even tried eye drops that help but after 2 minutes in front of the laptop they hurt again. I can look into my tablet for hours and everything is fine even though I'm not often from the screen. Why is that, do I have eye cancer or what. What should i buy for a new laptop? Resolution? LED?!


I would go to an ophthalmologist. Your eyes may be overexcited.


This is due to the blue light component! Blue light is not good for the eyes. Better go to the ophthalmologist


Go to the ophthalmologist and look for a life where you don't hang around in front of the PC all day and scramble


I have a blue light filter so the screen is somehow blurred but the resolution is good. There's also a lot of blue light on the tablet, but I never have any problems with that


It will likely be because of your eyes if they are overused. Take a break and go outside and look into the distance. And of course you should go to the ophthalmologist because it can also be serious.


Probably because of the backlight. Using low-frequency PWM can cause head / eye pain