Very severe headache for hours?


Tonight around 1 am I was in bed with my laptop and watched some YouTube videos. Suddenly after about 1 hour I suddenly got a headache. I thought that you would probably go away on your own but they didn't. I turned off the laptop, took a Dolormin Extra and nothing happened on the contrary even after 1 hour. The pain suddenly became so bad that I almost screamed. I started to sweat profusely, had to vomit several times and had a strange oppressive pain in the throat at one point. Well after the 3rd tablet it was a bit only now the pain is again. For 3 days I've had such a strange sore throat but only at one point and only when I'm swallowing more of an oppressive pain and every time I swallow there's an extra boost to the existing headache. What can I do about the pain?


I've had migraines since last night. Probably because of the change in weather. I took pills at night and this morning. The sore throat is likely to have other causes. But you should drink plenty of water. Get well soon!


So if you have a normal headache, just cool your head (cool pack, etc.) because the headache is caused by the dilation of the blood vessels and the brain "swells" and is pressed against the top of the skull.

But in your case I would go to the doctor because vomiting is not normal, and if the sore throat only started with the headache, this would be another reason to go to the doctor.


How about the medical emergency service phone number 116 117?

It is not for nothing that there's a maximum daily dose for painkillers. Headaches plus nausea can indicate a migraine attack.