Can you play sims 4 with this laptop

- in Acer

Acer Aspire E17 E5-773G-589F

Please help me my laptop can't play sims 4 … It flickers constantly, hangs and mavht strange points in my game


Could you tell me the system specs? Since I could also see if the flaps can.


Where do I find the? Sorry do not know me at all…


The components to write down would be quite good. Otherwise we can't judge that.


I'm already looking.


Well. With medium settings and 720p Could already work.


OK thanks. And what can I do against the flicker because I have already tried everything… All settings… Everything but nothing works


Would probably run fairly, but you may need to turn down the graphics settings.


What do you mean by flickering? Can you do the filming? It sounds like something's broken, but that's hard to say when you can't see it. Therefore, a video of your screen while the image errors occur would be quite helpful.


Graphics Driver Update, Windows Key> Device Manager Write,> Graphics Card> Right-click on the graphics card you are using> End.


'This PC'> Right-click where Windows 10 is installed, (probably drive C.> Properties> Clean> Clean system files> Everything is there Hooking> More Options> System Restore and Shadow Copies> Clean> Delete> Then click Ok and Done!

If you have never done that you will probably get so 5-10GB,

In addition, your PC is faster.