Why has my laptop been slow for a week?

- in Acer

This is about my laptop that I have owned for about 2 years. It is from Acer (Intel i7 processor and nvidia geforce mx150 graphics card). Could be able to play League of Legends with the lapi without any problems and with very high quality until recently, but jz I can hit the wall smoothly! Can someone tell me why the jz is like that? All drivers are up to date, etc. I've really tried everything.


You have probably activated too many startup programs.


Either you have to clean your care, you have to go to the settings and click on care clean or you have to do a system update or close all pages


You may have a lot of startup programs active, I recommend reinstalling Windows every 1-2 years.


Msconfig.exe and look what scrap on your box everything starts like that. Company service programs are often just spyware in disguise…