Which convertible is compatible with which Linux and desktop environment?

- in Acer

I thought about getting a convertible. I would like to use this primarily for my studies. I currently use an older Acer laptop with Arch Linux and Plasma 5. As a computer science student, the device is no longer enough for me. That's why it would go to my sister afterwards.

Since I would like to operate such a device only with Windows 10, I wanted to ask how it looks with the Linux support. Especially when it comes to the touch screen as well as the input via a pen. First of all, regardless of the Linux distro (even if I'm not a fan of Ubuntu and even if I preferred already like to stay with Arch). Even the desktop environment is only secondary for a second.

So, are any devices known to work well with a Linux? A little bit of garbage during the installation is not a problem, as long as everything really works.

Important to me on the device: A reasonably fast CPU, an SSD with at least 256GB of storage capacity, at least 8GB of RAM and that the input is supported via a pen. A dedicated graphics card would be nice, but not a must. My budget is currently 650 euro, but I would be willing for a reasonable device synonymous nen spend hundreds or two more. Just have to save a little.


Personally, I currently use a Lenovo Thinkpad x220T (x230t would be the successor), it is not the prettiest or most up to date convertible has in the equipment with the i7 2640m but enough power, the battery has about 6h sufficient runtime and things like the hdd or the RAM load within minutes to replace (I've upgraded ssd with 256GB and an upgrade to 8GB RAM)

Linux Mint runs on it and both the touch screen and the pen are recognized flawlessly. Well used you get a X230t for about 300 euro


I have been using Ubuntu for 10 years.

Arch has been around for a long time. I've tried some Linux. It's not the question which one is the best but which one I can use best. I think I'm fine too. The first Linux I've known since 1997. I've known Ubuntu since 2009 Now I have no Windows but Ubuntu. Try different distributions on DVD or USB and try. Then you can always decide which Linux I like.


Thanks, but your answer misses my question.

I have already tried some distributions, including Fedora, Solus Linux, Ubuntu or just Arch Linux. And I got stuck with Arch Linux. Mainly because of the package manager. Arch is the distro that I like most personally. I also get along with other distros, that's not true. I just do not like Ubuntu. Not even Ubuntu because of Unity and stories like Xubuntu, Kubuntu, etc. Not because I do not trust Canonical.


Look for "Linux Shop", there you get any computer with Linux installed - the hardware is of course quite excellent.

I usually buy at IXSOFT, because there's one of 12 Linux for each laptop and PC for free installation.


I have ordered a device now. Since I'm a student, I get discounts at some providers. But thanks anyway. Should I need something again, I'll stop by!