Windows 10 automatic repair / Windows alternative?

- in Acer

I currently have a problem with my Acer Aspire 5 on which Windows 10 Home is installed. In fact:

I shut down my laptop. Before everything worked as usual. I created a restore point for Windows because I do that at least once a week.

When I was about to start my laptop the next day, the automatic repair came. This allegedly could not repair my PC. From then on Windows could no longer start properly. A system restore does not work either. I tried to reset my laptop with no success. After the "reset" came the automatic repair again and then my laptop was automatically restarted. Since then, the Acer logo has not even appeared on the boat as usual and then goes off again immediately. Reinstalling Windows with a USB stick did not work either. I only bought my laptop about 3 years ago. It was being repaired by Acer 6 months ago due to a processor error. Since then I have never had problems again and now this. I also tried to install Linux, but also without success.

Should I return my laptop for repair or buy a new one?
I would hate to continue using Windows. Do you think Mac or Linux is a better alternative?


If you only use the laptop for surfing the net or checking emails, Linux would be an alternative. If you need further software, you would have to see whether the corresponding solutions have a Linux port or an alternative of their own. From my own experience, I'm happy to recommend Manjaro Linux. Has the best software management in my opinion.

Mac isn't bad. But if you don't use the laptop a lot or for little, unless you can get an old or used model at a good price, it's just expensive af.

Otherwise, you can also see whether you can get your Windows running again by doing the following: With the automatic repair you will usually see "More options". There you can uninstall the latest updates, initiate start help or load restore points. If you can't get into the Windows Recovery Environment, you can also create a bootable stick (system repair disk) on another PC.


You will have to completely reinstall Windows. For this you need the original data carrier plus the "key" data for reactivation.

Installing Linux is not a problem, but a partition must be available for it.

The best thing to do is to download a Linux that you can put on a live CD. Live CDs always contain "GParted". With GParted you can partition any data carrier and format the partitions with the desired file systems. For Linx that would be ext3 or ext4.


Many thanks for the answer. The problem is that now Windows won't start at all and my laptop just shows a gray screen and then immediately goes off again as if I had forced a shutdown. Now neither the Acer logo nor anything comes from Windows. The automatic repair no longer comes either. I've already tried reinstalling Windows, but to no avail - and it's not the first time I'm doing this.


Then I'd rather advise you to bring that thing over to a computer shop for repairs. Sounds more like a hardware defect.


In order to reinstall Win10 on the laptop, the product key does not need to be entered again. - The activation takes place automatically.
I also don't think a Linux distribution can handle hard disk sector errors any better than Windows.