Ebay laptop sale to England?


I put a laptop up for sale and the guy wants to transfer the money to me.

Of course, I only send that as soon as the money has arrived and against fake emails I have experience.

Can I still have problems if I send this to England when the money is on my account?


Naturally. He could claim that it is broken, then the whole stress starts.

I would not do that.


You should decide on which platform you are. Ebay is not the same as ebay classifieds.

Sure, you can get problems. There's no protection on ebay classifieds because the platform is designed for regional sales where you exchange goods for money.

That's why many scammers romp on the platform. You probably will not get any money. They will want to persuade you to ship in advance. Or you are told that you should put the payer as a friend at paypal, which undermines the protection there.


But there's no guarantee on the private sale and no return




There are almost every week here questions.

Laptops and mobile phones seem to be in short supply on the island for quite some time, that one relies on a German classifieds page. And why on this? Because you can pull off the buyer so well… The Nigeriaconnection has been active for many years, and it seems that it will be a long time.

Do not get involved in the business, because you'll get rid of both - money and goods… You just have to google here, on Girlfriend, googling for… England ebay laptop… Or london classifieds…


Korr.: Because you can subtract the seller so nicely…


For ebay classifieds = cash on pickup. This applies to sellers and buyers.

Can I still have problems if I send this to England when the money is on my account?

Yes you can. The money will never end up in your bank account.

Of course, I only send that as soon as the money has arrived and against fake emails I have experience

Hardly, otherwise you would not ask the question.

Please interrupt the contact. This is the known for almost decades scam of the so-called Nigeria Connection. All you will get is a fake email that the money will be credited when you give the shipping number.

Shipping Number = Goods are shipped.
Fake email = there's no money.


There are almost every week here questions.

I have the feeling: almost every day. The $$ are blinking in the eyes and the rest is lost.