Does sending a laptop from England to UK have to be cleared?


Does sending a laptop from England to UK have to be cleared?


No, both are still in the EU.


Not yet. Can change with the Brexit but


Very slowly:

you sold a lappie to England?

a bank has written you an email, money is available - please send the shipment number, then the money can be released ---

Ouch, fingers away, there's the Nigeria Connection behind

why should an Englishman, of all people, want to buy your lapp? They have a different keyboard layout

Money away, not at all --- and Läppie gone


At first I thought so too, but I was irritated by the transmission direction England → Germany.


Makes no sense because of the key assignment, it is, he writes a lot in the field.

what should there be customs, nor are those in the EU - has already been written.