Linux ubuntu on Linux mint?


I have a laptop that runs on Linux Ubunutu and I downloaded Linux mint, but I have no idea how to start Linux mint.

I would be very happy to receive an answer.


Either in a virtual machine (for example Virtualbox) or by writing the ISO to a USB stick (there are special programs for this, for example Etcher) and then letting the PC boot from the stick.


Either you replace your existing installation with the other operating system (= reinstall the computer) or you set up a dual boot (corresponding partitions required) and install Mint on another partition or you run a virtual machine under Ubuntu (e.g. With VirtualBox) and install Mint in this VM - then it practically runs in the window.


If you think you can "upgrade" from your current Ubuntu to Mint… Sorry, that doesn't work 🤷🏼♂️

You have to do a new installation for good or bad or, as others have already written, run in parallel!