At Medimax exchange?

- in Asus

I would like to know if Medimax gets a laptop changed to a completely different model? The thing is, my mother bought an Asus Vivobook and it had a defect. After it has already been exchanged (same model), one of the deficiencies is no longer there, but it still can't operate in network mode. However, we do not know if that s.der special battery is installed (not rausnehmbar) or actually after the exchange again the same defect. To the Vivobook there's no support and no drivers online and you can hardly find any information about the battery, whether it is normal that it turns off after some time in the network operation, until he again 100%. Until then, he can't turn on at all.

Besides, my mother does not want to get the same model again because she spent 430 euro and the Vivobook has neither a replaceable battery nor DVD drive, nor is it full HD (1368x768 resolution).

You actually get from other manufacturers partly from 300 euro already notebooks with just the 3 gennanten features. So you can say that she was badly advised, because she does not know so well with notebooks.

In addition, also on the exchange receipt is nothing of the second defect (that it does not work in network operation), only that the screen flicker was there before the exchange was fixed.

So it may be that it is normal for this model, but it is not explicitly stated anywhere that it is. As I said I have already tried in many forums to read whether this is due to any energy options. After we had tried to switch to maximum performance in Windows, it went out anyway.


Seems to be a new defect.

So again complain. Again new attempts to repair.

I would offer the dealer that you reverse the purchase, get the purchase price credited and then buy another, for which you use the credit.

Medimax does not have to do that. It would be just an offer and possibly lighter for both sides.