Play games on any laptop?

- in Asus

Can you really have any game played on an average to good laptop just by turning down the graphics on the game? I have a laptop from asus, which cost around 700 euro, but doesn't specialize in games at all. I could still play one or the other Xbox 360 game with an emulator game. The ps2 emulator actually works fine. "Newer" games like phasmophobia, dungeon defenders 2, left 4 dead 2, also work partly flawlessly (have longer loading times and 1-2 frame drops)

but is it possible to play the "bigger" games when I shut down the graphics? Or what could be the limit of such a laptop?


What kind of laptop is that? CPU graphics card? SSD or HDD?


As long as the game is compatible with the drivers for the graphics card, this should in theory be possible.


So I don't know who I'm, so I'll write something under processor

Intel (R) Core (Tm) i5-4210 U CPU @ 1.70 GHz 2.40 GHz

is it good?