Asus laptop display connection?

- in Asus

I got an Asus laptop display from a friend and am now looking for an adapter from this display connection to HDMI or USB. Do you know how to call this port, or do you even know a suitable adapter? (No, he does not remember what the laptop means, he has already disposed of it.)

thanks in advance

Asus laptop display connection Asus laptop display connection - 1

Is this just the screen? So only the panel? Then you need a driver board, which drives the display. These can be found on the net for 20-30 euro. Make sure that he is exactly for the model, that should be somewhere on the back of the panel.


I think you need a controller for it


This is the whole "unfolding part" of the laptop, so the cable would be stuck in the "keyboard part" of the laptop, connecting the two parts through the "hinged joint"


Then you need a driver for it. Open the plastic panel and search for the type designation of the panel. Designation of the notebook is not enough, because even within the same model several different panel types are installed.


What should I search for, "Panel Label" driver? (So then on the Internet) And then I can connect to this driver HDMI or USB?


Exactly. Or. "LCD Controller" is also very common. Looks like this:

Asus laptop display connection


This is a block connector and there's no adapter on eg HDMI because the whole electronics is missing.

Imagine you have a monitor from which you disassemble any electronics and only leave the panel inside. Now you want to replace everything inside with a plug or adapter. The power supply, backlight, the matrix the electronics that filters out the serial signals and notices which dot has which color in which brightness… Everything, everything, everything.

Frame rates, how many lines, how many points…


Thank you for the good explanation


I thank you for your help