Screen on laptop suddenly turns black?

- in Asus

When I tried to turn on my laptop earlier, it briefly displayed the lock screen before the screen went black. Since then it has been black, even though the laptop is on (LEDs are flashing and you can hear the cooler). If I turn it off and then on again, the screen simply stays black. What should I do? Does the update install and it just takes a while to start up? Yesterday it worked as normal. The laptop is an Asus Zenbook 3.


Try connecting it to an external monitor. If you get a picture there, see if Windows recognizes the integrated display.

I suspect a cable break if the Zenbook works with an external monitor.


Thank you for your prompt reply! Unfortunately, the Zenbook only has USB-C ports and I don't have an adapter for HDMI, can you test it in a different way? 😬


Presumably only the notebook's boot entries are destroyed. This can easily happen if the computer is switched off during any hard disk activity.

Boot your computer with the help of an installation data medium (stick). Go to the "Computer Repair Options" link there. After the keyboard layout choose "Troubleshoot". Now go to "Jump start". A repair tool will now independently try to get the computer up and running again. Pay attention to the information on the screen.


When the screen turns black

then your laptop has died… ☻☻☻


Mhh. Difficult. It would have been easiest with a USB-C to Displayport adapter. But we can try to start any sound output, e.g. In the form of a YouTube video. You would have to blindly try to log in, start the browser and then play some YouTube video. This would allow us to rule out the mainboard or the system itself as an error. Does the Asus logo come up when you boot or do you see that the display does not show anything but the backlight is still on?


If I try to switch it on now, nothing comes at all, so it doesn't get brighter either. And where I'm worrying about it myself right now is probably a broken cable, because it suddenly went black from the screen saver, right? 😬


I hope it is still in the warranty period. Because something is really annoying: /


Yes, luckily I still have a guarantee of almost n year.


No problem and good luck with processing the guarantee.