Mysterious problem with download rate on PC?

- in Asus

I hope someone here can help me with my very mysterious problem.

First some information so that many questions do not arise:

- WLAN 100k line (the router receives the full bandwidth)

- 3 different online speed tests with 2 different servers each show full download speed.

- Asus Prime H270-Plus mainboard

- External WLAN stick from TP-Link achieves up to 800 mbit / s

- No antivirus programs on the computer except for the Windows firewall itself

- There are no extensions in the browser

So now follows my problem:

For a few days now, my download rate on the PC has remained at around 4 - 4.5 MB / s and does not go any higher when I download something via a browser.

It doesn't matter whether it's Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer, the same thing for all browsers.

But if I now want to download exactly the same thing via my laptop, which is in the same place as the PC, I get my full 12 MB / s with the same WLAN.

Likewise on the cell phone. It is only the PC that has this "low" download rate.

The strange thing about this: If I download something via platforms like Steam or, EpicGames Launcher etc., i.e. Not via an Internet browser, I also get the full 12MB / s on the PC.

What have I tried so far?

- Reset network

- Network deactivated & reactivated

- Windows troubleshooting

- The router's firmware is up to date

- Tried other channels in the router settings

- Windows brought up to date

- Tried another WLAN stick

- Driver reinstalled

- All commands in the command prompt (release, renew, flushdns and all that stuff)

- Use Google DNS ( &

- Connected to the router via LAN cable (the download still stops at 5 MB / s)

- Tried another USB port for the stick

Unfortunately all of this to no avail.

Does anyone who is more familiar with it maybe have an idea or an approach why this problem occurs with me? Somehow it can't be that I get my full performance via Steam and on other devices, but my PC says "Nope, I'll stop at 4 MB / s" during browser downloads.

I'm very grateful for any help.


Something like that can simply be due to the bandwidth that the site itself provides.

It can also be due to the stick, I assume your laptop has a built-in receiver, or WLAN card they are better.


If you haven't even read the post thoroughly, or at least read it to the end, please don't answer it either. It says that I can only get 5 MB / s on the PC via LAN cable and that my laptop can download the same file at full power. That means your 2 points are completely refuted.


Have you ever checked dust and cables in your PC? I once had no USB signal no matter what, it was just the dust.


I completely dust the PC once a month. So it can't accumulate that much. Which cables should I check there?


Oh ne wrong thought without Wi-Fi card… So the only thing I can recommend is to ask on the computer base or giga there are more blatant cracks than here.


According to the description, this is probably due to the PC.

Do you randomly download the files in the browser to a different hard drive than in the game launchers?

Have you tried to download a different file in the browser on your PC? E.g. This:
How fast does this load?


I clicked the link once on PC and once on laptop. PC 3 MB / s and laptop 11 MB / s.


Even if I download the files to the same hard drive, the same thing.


And the other question?

If you have around 100 Mbit / s in speed tests and around 12 MB / s in game launchers, then it can actually only be due to the browser or the hard drive that you are downloading to.


Do you have multiple hard drives?
If so, try e.g. To load this file on all of them. Then you can see whether it is the hard drive or the browser.


The file is loaded into the same hard drive where the steam downloads are located (which run at 12MB / s), but it still remains at 4 MB / s. Same with other browsers.


Do Windows key + R, then give there

firefox.exe -p

then uncheck "start selected profile without asking", then choose create profile, create a second profile, call it e.g. "test" and try it out with it.

To reset to normal, simply select the default profile and tick the "Start selected profile without prompt" again and then select "Start Firefox".


Capped, unfortunately, between 4 and 5 MB / s.


It sounds as if browser downloads are being throttled on purpose… Maybe any security software is active that specifically monitors the browser and possibly throttles the download for a live check? Or some gimmick with a speed limit software? Maybe a prank? There are programs that you can use to reduce the speed of individual programs in a targeted manner… But in fact, you should still tap security software such as virus scanners or something…