Sell PC: Individual parts or as a whole?

- in Asus

I have recently bought a laptop and now wants to sell my almost 2 years old (self-built) tower PC.

Here are the specs:

Intel Core i5-7600K @ 3.80 GHZ (new: 260 euro)
G.SKILL Aegis DDR4 3000 C16 2x8GB (new: 68 euro)
250GB Samsung SSD 850 EVO (new: 78 euro)
WD Blue 1TB HDD (new: 39 euro)
AMD Radeon RX 570 4GB (from Asus) (new: 142 euro)
Other: High quality case with glass side (new ~ 80 euro)

Does it make more sense now to sell the PC as a whole or in parts?


As a whole, it will probably take longer to sell, but you could ask for more money → configured by you + already assembled

another plus point: you can break apart when you break up.

Items will probably go away faster. But I would generally as it is also normal for items less pay → So in terms of that although the hardware is the same, the whole PC is more expensive than the new dat same same in green as items


You can look at the single prices on ebay and co. Remember, however, that from the income still the fees go off for ebay or z.b. Paypal or similar

On classifieds pages (also eg Ebay) the prices are probably higher there's the question of whether the zeuch goes to the prices at all.

I.d.r. If retail is better because it is unlikely that someone wants to have exactly the setup that you offer there - then it will pay less than if someone wants to have exactly that.

Vll find a stupid nen high price for the complete system pays but usually get individually more money - but is also just exorbitant more work - you have to know how that pays off.


Your new prices are quite high, do you mean the prices that you paid then? For example, The RAM is for 10 euro less or even the SSD is almost 30 euro cheaper to have new.

You usually get the most money if you sell everything individually. Some things like housing or power supply are easier to sell in a bundle! The configuration is also quite good, you can also sell together.


Usually you get more for individual parts, because people here themselves configure a system and search most spare parts or want to exchange only a part or Gar want to build their own PC. Therefore, the demand is higher here than with completely PCs and accordingly the price. At least my experience on Ebay


Sounds good. I just copied the new prices quickly from Userbenchmark to get an idea of the current total value. So you mean that I should sell housing and power supply (with fans) as a bundle and the rest as individual parts?