Sell PC parts or try again?

- in Gaming

I just wanted to ask for your opinion…

A little over a year ago I assembled a PC, but it caused problems from the start, e.g. The first Windows installation.

When it was running I had blue screens from time to time, but as part of my resignation I just came to terms with it xD Simple things and a bit of gaming was possible. This is not about the problems of that time, but if you are still interested in them, here are a few links.

At some point I couldn't start it at all, there was only an orange screen. After inspections by a few IT people from their circle of friends, the assumption was either GraKa or mainboard. At that time I was just frustrated with the part, disappointments over and over again for months, my biggest failure was simply my.

That's why I just left it in the basement, in case I'm motivated for the dirt again. In the meantime I've got myself a laptop so that I can do simple things again and play less demanding games.

Since it makes no sense to let the part rot in the basement, I now have the choice: Try to get rid of the parts or try again with a new mainboard / GraKA?

I mean, if I order things for a lot of money again and then it doesn't work because of something else, the frustration gets even bigger…

Do you know sites / methods to sell such parts (at least those which are not defective) at a bearable price?

So which method would you advise me with this history? Do you have any tips? Proposals? Opinions?

Thanks to everyone who has read this far, I look forward to possible answers.


You can sell the components on eBay (classified ads). Then an acceptable amount should come out.
I once looked at the components in an old question, they are actually quite okay. Don't you have a colleague from whom you can install a few components on a test basis?


Thanks for the answer, I'll see if I can send the GraKa to the manufacturer because of the warranty and then maybe try it again with a different and different mainboard.