Msi laptop broken?


I bought a laptop at Otto 6 months ago (brand msi), but since yesterday the cover on opening at the bottom right edge will be released when opening and closing. It makes unsightly sounds and you can see inside. Can I call Otto now and ask for a repair?

Msi laptop broken

Send in and hope that you get the money back. And buy the money then a real PC with five times the performance.


You can use the statutory warranty or the guarantee.

Just call the Otto Customer Service.


You should hurry! In the material defect liability applies: up to 6 months after purchase one assumes that the lack existed already with the purchase. Then you have to prove that this was so (reversal of the burden of proof)


Well, it's strange that it dissolves exactly after 6 months. Never had problems with my old laptop. It still works after 8 years.


For such a thing there's the term "planned obsolescence". Whether this is so, can't be proven.

Experience has shown that Otto is in good spirits, so go ahead… Hurry