Gaming notebook comparison XMG vs MSI?

- in Gaming

I'm currently looking for a gaming notebook and have discovered 2 devices there, but I'm not yet sure which one to buy.

One is an "XMG Core 15 -E20":

And the other about the MSI GL65 9SE-225:

The XMG Core has a better processor and has a slightly higher Hertz on the display (144 instead of 120). However, I also heard that these XMG laptops often get loud very quickly. With the MSI, the specs are roughly the same except for the processor and the faster Hz panel


XMG is actually not a bad brand, but I have also heard rumors that some of them will soon have problems with the cooling. Although this seems to be a new model, I don't know how they have (further) developed the cooling system.

I personally have a good 6 year old MSI GS70 Stealth and the device is great. Of course, you also have to maintain the cooling system regularly, i.e. Clean it (have it). But then the devices are quite quiet and long-lasting companions.