Movie: Voices soft, music / sounds loud - can you do something there?


Many films have it so that the music compared to the voices is incredibly loud. So either I hardly get any of the conversations or get half a heart attack every time something happens. I mostly watch the movies on the laptop, which I have connected to the TV.

Is there any program or settings that can solve this problem?


Well, the problem is that the TV can't properly handle the multi-channel sound. On the laptop alone you probably will not have these problems.


With external speakers on the TV gets better. For example, a soundbar or a home theater system


The "problem" is that your problem is none.
When a movie sound is well mixed, it reflects reality, a whisper is as loud as a whisper and the explosion is as loud as an explosion.
There are amplifiers (and perhaps TVs) that have a so-called midnight mode, which reduces this (wanted) dynamics.


Right, that would be a good solution to the problem.


But obviously the questioner does not have such a TV.

What should he do with your answer now?


The questioner should look in the sound settings of his TV for a "midnight mode" or for a similar sound setting, which reduces the dynamic range of the sound, perhaps also has the laptop in the sound settings such a mode.


That's not true 100%

Just as a comparison cinema. Since you also hear each whisper and the explosion does not tear you from the socks.

The mode can help. The mix with the deer is the problem of the flat speakers in TV and laptop


Presumably he does not have these settings, they would not be able to solve the problem either.

This TV can't multichannel sound z. B. 5.1, therefore, the background sound is too loud and the main sound too quiet again.

A good solution for this is a soundbar, which can give the sound perfectly.


"Probably" does not help any further and the midnight mode (meaning different for each manufacturer) definitely provides a remedy because it reduces the dynamic range.
The TV does not need to play any sound that he can't handle because each player in the settings "can be said" what kind of sound he should output from its output jacks. Also, each player has settings for a reduced-dynamics sound.
Even a laptop has, depending on the model on such settings.