Why do I hear soft voices through my headphones even though I'm not playing anything?


It's pretty insane. I was listening to music on my laptop with my AKG studio headphones. When I stopped them briefly, I noticed very, very quiet voices. So quietly that it was impossible to understand what was being said. It sounded like someone was talking to someone else over the radio, in English.

That seemed to come through the headphones too, because as soon as I unplugged them, the voices were gone again. I would also rule out that it came from a program. It couldn't be turned up and was always equally quiet. I also closed all programs.

This has happened to me for the second time. Again in the evening at a similar time, if I'm not mistaken.

Is it even physically possible that I could have heard a radio conversation there?

You know such background noises from the cell phone, but something like that 🤔


The headphone cable acts as an antenna for shortwave. Some stations still broadcast in the band - e.g. Deutsche Welle and the BBC.

The mobile marine radio service still uses shortwave frequencies.


And the military and amateur radio operators.


Do not worry! You are NOT crazy or anything. But there are still a few very powerful short-wave transmitters.

your laptop works almost like a kind of antenna. Depending on how powerful the transmitters are and how close you are, you can even receive it with a saucepan or gutter. Sometimes even so clear that, if you master the language, you understand what they're talking about. In any case, a few years ago there was a russian longwave transmitter that could be "received" in this way in germany.