Does the insurance pay if you break the laptop of your girlfriend?


Yesterday I was sitting at the table with my girlfriend and together we watched videos on the laptop and ate some soup. In the meantime, I accidentally hit my hand against the bowl and half of the soup spread over the laptop. He went out immediately and there's nothing to save. My question is, if that makes the insurance pay if you break the laptop of his friend?


At least you should report the damage of your personal liability, if you have one at all


Actually, she had to pay, if you have a corresponding insurance for it completed. It may be worthwhile to take a close look at the insurance you have taken out.

For insurance, however, the problem is that they do not like to pay at all and come up with many "excuses" why they do not have to pay now.

Or they want to know everything exactly and repeatedly, which should then be worn down and given up.

These are just the "tricks" of insurance.

All the best and good luck!


If this was in the apartment of your girlfriend and you do not live together, it is possible.