Question about loss carryforward - study / further education?


I have the following situation:

I'm 25 years old and start my full-time technical education in August (2 years).

I only worked as an employee this year in January and paid taxes. Now I know that I will get the taxes I paid back because I have not exceeded the tax-free allowance.

I'm currently unemployed and receive ALG1. From the advanced training I get Master Bafög (approx. 700 euro per month / full subsidy).

Since I have to buy a notebook for further training, I would like to deduct it from taxes, but I did not pay taxes more than in January. Accordingly, I get nothing back for the notebook.

Now I've heard about the loss carryforward:

Travel expenses, work equipment (notebook, mouse etc.), school trip and everything else I could give in the next two tax returns and get all the money on my future taxes against, so to speak, when I go back to work. Am I right with that?


Unfortunately, it's not that simple, because there are several scenarios and options.

The tax office sees the entire laptop as an object of private life (§ 12 No. 1 EStG)
However, if the tax office has a distribution scale and you can make this credible, then you can deduct the costs for the further training proportionately.
The laptop then falls under section 9 (1) sentence 3 no. 6 and 7 of the Income Tax Act and is then to be written off at a proportionate cost of over 800 euro.
If the proportionate costs are less than 800 euro, you can use them directly as loss carryforwards to reduce your taxable income in times of income tax to be paid.


To 3: if the pro rata costs exceed 952.01 euro, pro rata amortization is required.


If you include the VAT yes, but I have complied with the law.


Is a student eligible for input tax deduction?

the 800 euro according to the law are a NET amount.


Yes, my mistake.


So the notebook would be 100% for further education. At home I have a Tower PC which I use to do my things privately. The notebook costs 780 euro (need something CAD capable). Since it costs less than 800 euro, I could easily mention it in the loss carryforward, right?

Apart from the notebook… All the other stuff, would go through easily (travel expenses, school trip, etc… )?


Not my mistake, you're confusing me. It does not matter whether you are eligible for VAT or not, because even with the VAT you get 952 euro. If you deduct the VAT from the AK, if these are over 952 euro, then you will not get to 800 euro net.


If the tax office recognizes the notebook 100%, then yes. But of course I can't tell you here if the finance officer will do this, but try.


Basically, the other commentator is also right, because the 800 euro are a net amount, so you can also write down objects that cost 952 euro in the purchase, since the law deducts the sales tax from them, you will then net up to a maximum of 800 euro.


Let's see, the notebook would buy now, as a new CPU generation will appear on the market in the next few weeks and many laptops with the old generation will be cheaper. Since the jump lasts about 4 months until August, it could be that I will be rated 90:10 by the FA, my guess… But let's see.


Thanks for the info first! But again to my before last comment… (Just want to be sure.

Books, travel expenses, other work materials, school trips, etc… Do I state as normal and the FA also accepts it? Even if I get Bafög?


Exactly, since these are also deductible as advertising costs.


And the Bafög doesn't matter in this case?


As long as you stay under the tax-free allowance, everything is fine, because you don't pay any income tax yet, but if you get over it, then your income from dependent work decreases after the advertising costs and you would then have to have more advertising costs than your paying income tax is high by one To have loss carryforward. I'll leave out the employee lump sum, because it doesn't matter anyway with a taxable income of 700 euro per month.


Btw. If the Bafög is basically tax-free, you don't need to worry about it with just Bafög anyway.


Thank you very much for your information!


Sorry for the double answer, unfortunately I tapped the wrong area.


Ah I had unfortunately overlooked the fact that you can get a master Bafög, that is unfortunately not tax-exempt, but should still be less than the tax-free allowance. Sorry


The GWG limit of 952 euro applies to employees! Even companies that can't use input tax deduction (doctors) have 952 euro as the GWG limit


Calculate the sales tax, where do you end up?

PS: Doctors sometimes have the option to deduct VAT.


952 euro less 19% sales tax results in 800 euro net. Thus GWG

So you want to seriously discuss tax law with a tax advisor? Great idea!


What did I say all the time or try to explain?

I never said anything else.


I think we just talked past each other. The trigger was my mistake that I didn't write about it above.