Faster Internet on the laptop but slower on the desktop computer?


I explain briefly the situation.

In our home 2 people have a computer, both thought to play.

I have a desktop PC and my sister a laptop.

I'm above the room where the router is. (So 1 floor above)

The laptop is right in the room next to my room.

On good days I get 5-6 M / bits (download), and on bad days (almost every day) less than 1 M / bit. The laptop gets but almost 24/7 over 10k M / bits and sometimes even over 15k.

I have a Wi-Fi stick, the laptop is not. I have already tried 2 different, but hardly noticed a difference.

In addition, I have with my phone in my room 70k download, which surprises me even more

We use a telecom router, unfortunately does not know its model name.


Did you convert the units correctly?

8 bits are 1 byte. Programs on the PC (Steam, …) indicate the speed mostly in MegaBYTE, Speedtest pages but in MegaBIT. For example, suppose the 70k download on your smartphone is 70Mbps, which would be 8.75MB / s.

Otherwise firstly:

I have a Wi-Fi stick, the laptop is not.

That can be it. The Wi-Fi stick connection is via USB, that is, the USB port limits the speed when the WLAN is fast enough. The laptop will probably have a built-in wireless card, which is more advantageous.


It could also simply be due to the spatial conditions. A fridge or a microwave "in the way" can already make a lot of difference.


It would also be possible for the router to automatically assign a specific priority based on the ports, but this can usually be disabled in the router settings.


5 MB / s, 5 Mb / s or 5 Mbps?

Does the stick happen to be behind the computer?
As he gets hold of the housing starl, try to put it on the front, or even better on a USB extension cable.

Alternatively, it would be e.g. Still possible that the laptop uses 5 GHz WLAN, and the computer uses 2.4 GHz.